Sunday, May 2, 2010

Population of India

The Indian economy is burgeoning and will soon to overtake the best in the world by 2020. With this good news the bad news is that Indian population is burgeoning. Increasing every minute.
The current India population is said to be 1,129,866,154 by July 2007. With this number you can see where this country is heading. It is the most populous country just lagging behind China with a few hundreds as a difference and in the next five years is said to overtake China too, to become the most populated country in the world.
Every year we add an entire Australia to our population and there is no stopping. Indian population problems stem from the fact of poverty, illiteracy and government rules. Unlike China that has a communist rule; India cannot condemn parents for giving birth to more than 1 child.
Poverty is a vicious circle. People who are poor think that children are their asset and keep giving birth. Their idea being more children more hands to bring in more money. But they are so poor that they cannot keep their children healthy, the basic food intake of 1200 calories for men and 1600 for women are not men leading to ill-health or disease. Yet the population growth in India is 1% of the current numbers. That means we add and approximate of 1 crore every year to the current number.
The age structure of the population is 31% between 0-14, 63% between 15-64 and 5% with individuals who are 65 and above. The female to male population is much less leaving more males than females.
India’s population has 80% Hindus, around 13% are Muslims, Christian are around 2.3%, Sikh are 1.9% and others are around 1.8%.
With the increase in medical rehabilitation and facilities, life expectancy has increased, so the average Indian man lives upto 66 years while the woman lives upto 71 years.
Government polices encourage people to have only 2 children, the modern metro population seriously believe this but what about the remote villages. It is only when the entire country joins hands that we can bring down the population of India.

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